Sydney Data Centre, Network & POP Maintenance Notice – Tuesday night, November 21st & 22nd 2023

Over the late afternoon & evening of Tuesday November 21st 2023 and into the early morning of Wednesday the 22nd we will be performing upgrades to selected hosting server platforms & one of our network uplinks of Network Presence in Sydney, Australia.

Customers with services (VPS) on the hosting platforms to be upgraded may be emailed advisory notices, and this is a general notice related to other ancillary upgrades and Infrastructure Maintenance being performed during this scheduled window of time.

This Maintenance Window starts from 5pm on the Tuesday afternoon, through to 6am Sydney time on the morning of Wednesday November 22nd 2023, and I’ll be personally contactable by phone & online during and after these works in-case there’s any issues that arise.

During this Maintenance Window, selected network or server equipment will be worked on, upgraded and restarted. Works will be completed as quickly as possible (and where possible, timing information will be in emails to affected customers) and restarts are short service interruptions only, while upgrades may incur longer service interruptions.

This will incur outages to selected hosting services of Network Presence in Sydney, Australia during this off-peak scheduled works period. In addition, there may be some impact (short 5-10 minute periods) to the general Internet Connectivity of portions of Network Presence in Sydney during these works, though redundant routing will be utilised during these works.

Our Adelaide POP is unaffected by this Maintenance Notice and works.

Our Operations Site at is also unaffected by these works and updates will be posted there as required.

Progress updates leading up to and during the works will be posted to our Operations Blog site at (public feed, no login required to view it).

FYI and regards,

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8 Responses to Sydney Data Centre, Network & POP Maintenance Notice – Tuesday night, November 21st & 22nd 2023

  1. VPS Hosting Nodes to be upgraded during these works include: Node 8 & 10.

    Both these nodes will experience downtime during the works for their physical upgrades.

  2. We’re on-track for this work in Sydney this coming week (Tuesday night, Nov 21st/22nd) & if all goes to plan we will be doing an upgrade to one of our Internet Routers as well late that night (early hours of Wednesday Nov 22nd).

    This router upgrade is scripted & we do have a failover system that will be run to quickly accommodate this router’s short downtime while its upgraded and restarted.

    I’ll post updates during the night as these works proceed here in these comments of the scheduled works post.

    • We’re preparing to perform this Router Upgrade soon this morning (Wednesday, Nov 22nd) which will see a short quick network failover event to our other routers in Sydney & then a gradual return to service of the upgraded router.

      • This router upgrade went well and the failover occured with minimal network outage (no complete outage, only seconds for some network ranges as they were bought over to the alternative & unaffected other router in Sydney).

        This router upgrade gives us a new clear 10Gbps network path to the Internet from it and 40Gbps into our internal network in Sydney, so it was well worth doing!

  3. Works are starting on Node 10 with some number of Node 10’s current VPS population experiencing quick restarts while selected VPS disk volumes are worked on with some logical operations.

    One this initial stage of works on Node 10 is complete, then the whole VPS Hosting Node 10 itself will be shutdown for physical works.

  4. Physical works on Node 10 completed an hour ago & all’s been back online since then.

    There may be an additional quick restart cycle of Node 10 VPS later this coming morning & if so I’ll add another comment post on that.

  5. Node 8 only had minimal software works and avoided downtime during this maintenance window. Customer VPS on Node 8 will be migrated to newer faster hosting environments over the coming month or so now.

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