Node 60 in Sydney to be decommissioned ASAP

Even after some hardware upgrades and replacements, Node 60 in Sydney continues to have operational issues and required a restart earlier this morning.

Accordingly, we’re bringing forward its timetable for decommisioning to start now (early September 2023) and we’ll be performing VPS migrations from Node 60 to our newer Nodes now online in our Sydney POP over weekends and on Wednesday evenings, to de-populate Node 60 as quickly as possible.

Updates will be added as comments to this post as this work progresses or with more information as the VPS migration from Node 60 gets underway from this coming weekend (September 2nd and 3rd 2023).

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Weekly “Operations Windows”

Outside of any unscheduled or emergency works, we’d like to advise customers of 2 weekly time periods where we may do ‘non critical’ network & platform maintenance and operational works during each week.

We need these times to keep up with the growth of Network Presence and requirements of some customers as they come to us during normal business.

These periods are proposed and initially set as:

Saturday ‘mornings’ from 8am Sydney/Australia time through to Noon.

Wednesday ‘nights’ from 10pm Sydney/Australia time, through to 2am.

During these times we may perform operations which are NOT expected or planned to be customer impacting (outside of their scope).

Outside of these times we’ll do our most to keep our network & systems in-general performing “as is”, with just the usual VPS provisioning & ops actions occurring as they do.

FYI & regards,

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Sydney Data Centre, Network & POP Maintenance Notice – Tuesday night, August 29th & 30th 2023

Over the late afternoon & evening of Tuesday August 29th 2023 and Wednesday the 30th we will be performing upgrades to selected hosting server platforms & one of our network uplinks of Network Presence in Sydney, Australia.

Customers with services (VPS) on the hosting platforms to be upgraded may be emailed advisory notices, and this is a general notice related to other ancillary upgrades and Infrastructure Maintenance being performed during this scheduled window of time.

This Maintenance Window starts from 5pm on the Tuesday afternoon, through to 6am Sydney time on the morning of Wednesday August 30th 2023, and I’ll be personally contactable by phone & online during and after these works in-case there’s any issues that arise.

During this Maintenance Window, selected network or server equipment will be worked on, upgraded and restarted. Works will be completed as quickly as possible (and where possible, timing information will be in emails to affected customers) and restarts are short service interruptions only, while upgrades may incur longer service interruptions.

This will incur outages to selected hosting services of Network Presence in Sydney, Australia during this off-peak scheduled works period. In addition, there may be some impact (short 5-10 minute periods) to the general Internet Connectivity of portions of Network Presence in Sydney during these works, though redundant routing will be utilised during these works.

Our Adelaide POP is unaffected by this Maintenance Notice and works.

Our Operations Site at is also unaffected by these works and updates will be posted there as required.

Progress updates leading up to and during the works will be posted to our Operations Blog site at (public feed, no login required to view it).

FYI and regards,

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VPS Hosting Upgrades – H2 2023 & Q1 2024

In late 2022 and the first half of 2023 we completed the upgrade of many of our VPS Hosting Nodes in Sydney and Adelaide.

In late 2023 and into 2024 we’ll do the next wave of these VPS hosting platform upgrades and we’ll post more updates and information as the next set of new VPS Hosting Nodes come online at our POPs.

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We’ll post here short info on Operational Issues or Outages

We’ll post short summary information about any outage or issue affecting our networks and server farms in Sydney or Adelaide, Australia.

For now we’ll keep them in the format of our long running former Operations Twitter feed at

Over time we’ll refine and standardise these posts, but to start a free flowing format will continue from the Twitter feed.

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Welcome to Network Presence Operations

Here we’ll post updates and information about Network Presence Operations activity.

Some will be repeated from and others will be short updates like we used to post on Twitter before Elno made a mess of it.

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